Always wondered, why FDR, teamed up, with Churchill and Stalin; (A Tyranical, Communist, Murdering, Athiest, Dictator), just follow, the money, and listen to the lies and deceptions, the IMF, financed both sides (anything for a profit), and 'told' the world, what Hitler was, eventhough, the American public was against us, being involved, he decided, it was in 'our' best interest.

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Here we see how governments are infiltrated by those (unrecognised and proactively masking themselves) without conscience and finally taken over completely....if a modern psychopathy test is not applied to (to begin with) those who seek- or are in (especially key-) positions of power & control within government::


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When quoting the Founding Father's objection to a "standing army" people always assume that the complaint was simply fear of a military takeover. I believe people have missed the Founding Father's other fear, COMMUNALISM. The military is the purest form of COMMUNISM:

"FROM each according to his ability, TO each according to his NEED" THAT is the military defined.

The soldiers are given all they need to function and carry out their mission, and assured medical care and pensions.

In return they do as they are told without thought or question.

The perfect military is the ANTITHESIS of FREEDOM, LIBERTY, FREE ENTERPRISE, PRIVATE PROPERTY, INDEPENDENCE, and all that the Founding Fathers wanted to see in the new Nation.

The Fathers did not want their new Nation INFECTED with COMMUNALISTIC tendencies. They wanted the tree of liberty to grow, not be strangled by the clinging vine of Militaristic Tribal Communalism.

There is a new phrase: "GREEN WELFARE" .... for people who join the military because they are INCAPABLE of "hacking it" in the real world and need a HIGHLY STRUCTURED environment (like prison) to cope. The military, where you wear your "social standing" on your arm, you know EXACTLY where you fit in the social structure, and all your decisions are made for you.


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